
Andrew Bettiol, National University of Singapore, Singapore
“Colour centre engineering using MeV focused ion beams”

Thomas Calligaro, AGLAE/C2RMF Paris, France.
“Wide-field ion imaging spectroscopy of big heritage artefacts

Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Hokkaido University, Japan.
Asteroid sample return mission Hayabusa2 and laboratory analyses of the
returned samples


Michael Dürr Institute of Applied Physics, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany “Bond-specific ion-induced fragmentation of biomolecules at high ion energies – correlating excitation mechanisms and fragmentation patterns”
Katsuyuki Fukutani Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan “Structure and electronic effects of hydrogen in materials investigated by NRA”
Michael Hotchkis Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia “Actinides analysis at the attogram level by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry”

Johan Meersschaut, IMEC, Belgium.
Ensemble Rutherford backscattering analysis of periodic nanostructures

Iva Božičević Mihalić, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia.
“Developments and applications of High Resolution PIXE at RBI

Anna Niggas Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Austria “Charge exchange dynamics of highly charged ions at surfaces”

Kaoru Nakajima, Kyoto University, Japan.

Daniel Primetzhofer, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Towards in-situ and in-operando materials analysis using ion beams

Paula Pongrac, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.
Ion microprobe technology applied to the study of plants

Zdravko Siketić Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia “Recent results on the application of MeV SIMS at the Ruđer Bošković Institute”

Tiago Fiorini da Silva, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Expanding applications of machine learning in ion beam analysis

Taku Suzuki National Institute for Materials Science, Japan “Operando analysis of gas sensing surfaces by low-energy ion scattering combined with pulsed jet technique”

Udo von Toussaint, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany.
“Ion impact simulations on crystalline samples using SDTrimSP

Shino Homma-Takeda National institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan “Tissue and cellular distribution of bio-metals by micro-PIXE”

Hongliang Zhang, Institute of Modern physics, Fudan University, China.
Interfacial phenomena in ceramics under ion beam irradiation

Takeshi Ohshima Quantum Materials and Applications Research Center, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan; Department of Materials Science, Tohoku University, Japan “Quantum sensing using spin defects locally created in silicon carbide devices by microbeam”
Flyura Djurabekova Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland “Simulation of Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry in channeling mode from arbitrary atomistic structures”

Zeljko Pastuovic, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.
“Testing commercial off-the-shelf electronics for single event effects and total ionizing dose using x-ray, ion and gamma sources”

Hidenori Toyokawa, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute.
“Development of TlBr hybrid pixel detector for next generation photon counting imaging”